Wednesday, November 12, 2008

help.... I have ADHD!! No seriously...where's my sock?

Ok so I'm walking around with one sock on looking for my Nikes so I can run the Lab. If I don't run her it will be impossible to do ANYTHING. She's hell. Barking, chewing underwear-shoes-furniture. As I write this she's simultaneously jerking at the sliding glass door for her tennis ball and scratching the floor out of sheer hyperactivity. She flaps her ears, runs to the bathroom where she jumps in and out of the tub several times. Knocks over the toilet paper. Drops her ball in my hazelnut coffee. Bumps my leg three times. And so on.

Dallas is the incarnation of what my brain is like. Constantly on overdrive. Rounding corners of things I have to do in pursuit of the dreams in my head.

Market my second book as a movie-I'm thinking Brad Pitt's company because well you know....remember him in Snatch.

Write a book about life and dying. What's that character Lae going to do today. Smoke naked in a tree. Paint mangos.

Publish my sex-food poetry chapbook (don't ask).

My ass feels fat. Get to the gym what is today? Leg day or biceps.

Pack a lunch. Wash football uniform.

Shit the dog just ate the lunch...

I should have run the dog in the first place.

Oh but I have just one sock...

I am my own worst enemy. And there is only one way this business will work. I have to structure my day full of habits.

And this is the only thing that will work for me.

I got into shape by making daily runs and trips to the gym part of my day. I no longer really think about them. I get up drink my Jo run. Drop Pat at school and then hit the gym. After that I go to the Bayshore coffee shoppe where I write for exactly two hours on my novel Natche.

After that I come home and the hours are open and I prettty much fall back into the crazed mouse in the maze. I half wash some clothes. Half make a business call. Half wash the dishes. And so today is the day where I begin to make my chocolate biz a habit. After this becomes a part of my day and no longer is an issue I will add in time for marketing my writing.

For now though, the network marketing is going to start with call making time from 1:00-3:00 every day. While this is certainly going to change some days as do my runs and writing times I will work towards sitting down for two hours to call every day. And while this is only a two hour bit I know from completing a two novels and a four hundred page thesis that it is the every day stuff that adds up over time to become something huge and amazing.

In other words I've finally learned that my weekend warrior style doesn't get me far. It's the daily habits that get me where I need to be.

Let me go find that sock and get on with the race!

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